Installing Glass in Your Home

When you think about the glass in your home, you may only think of windows and doorways. However, glass can also be used in a number of different ways around you home to create a unique and interesting look. Although our team of writers aren't experts when it comes to this subject, they do have a keen interest in the use of glass around your home and the glass manufacturing industry. Read on to find out more about the different types of glass available to you, how you can use glass to increase how big a room feels, and much more!

Why Glass Splashbacks Are So Versatile


`Whether you have an old-fashioned kitchen that is going for an antique 1950's look or one that is cutting edge, glass splashbacks have a place in nearly every design. If you are looking for a material that will go with virtually everything and still look amazing, then you will find it hard to go past material like glass, but why is that? After all, there are a lot of options out there, so why does glass resonate with so many? Here are a few reasons why glass splashbacks have found such a widespread audience and how they became one of the primary choices for millions of Australians. 


Glass splashbacks are perhaps the most customisable material that you will find when looking for this feature. Not only are they available in several colours and shades, but they also come in different finishes, from matte to glossy. You can even choose your own picture to have put behind your glass splashback so that it really becomes one of a kind. With so much choice, it is obvious how glass splashbacks have cornered a nice portion of the market because you can get virtually anything you want out of them.

Focal Point Or Part Of The Background

Some people like the idea of making their splashback the focal point of their whole kitchen. Having a fun, brightly coloured splashback that takes inspiration from the rest of the kitchen and smashes it all together in one glorious artistic piece can be a very unique and fun way to style the most important room of your house. However, if you prefer to keep it simple and sophisticated, the glass splashbacks can be made to be nothing more than a highly finished surface that protects your walls from stains and liquids. 

Strength And Durability

Of course, if you are going to have any kind of material in the kitchen then it needs to be strong and sturdy or it won't last long. Glass splashbacks are built using a special manufacturing process. As such, it is not like other glass which is brittle and smashes easily, far from it. Instead, it is just as tough as most other options, perhaps a little less so than metal, but it does not stain nearly as much as the alternatives and, very importantly, it is very simple to clean and easy to spot imperfections on. 

To learn more, contact a glass splashback supplier.


20 September 2021