Installing Glass in Your Home

When you think about the glass in your home, you may only think of windows and doorways. However, glass can also be used in a number of different ways around you home to create a unique and interesting look. Although our team of writers aren't experts when it comes to this subject, they do have a keen interest in the use of glass around your home and the glass manufacturing industry. Read on to find out more about the different types of glass available to you, how you can use glass to increase how big a room feels, and much more!

Designing Your New Home? Why You Should Choose Glass Splashbacks


If you're making plans to build a custom home, don't forget about the finishing touches. After all, it's the finishing touches that can really set your home apart from all of the rest. Not to mention the fact that the right finishing touches can make your home easier to care for. That's where splashbacks come into the picture. When designing your kitchen, you want to make sure that you choose the right type of splashback for the walls. If you haven't added glass splashbacks to your short-list, now's time to do that. Glass splashbacks take your kitchen to the next level. Here are just four of the reasons you should choose glass splashbacks for your kitchen. 

Save Time and Money on Installation

If you've decided to use ceramic tile for the splashbacks in your new kitchen, you might want to rethink that decision. Ceramic tile is a popular choice for kitchen splashbacks, but they're not necessarily the best choice. This is especially true when you take time and money into consideration. Ceramic tile installation can be a costly and time-consuming project, especially if you choose a more intricate design for your splashbacks. However, glass splashbacks can be installed without cutting and without the use of grout, which means you'll save time and money. 

Protect Against Heat and Moisture

When it comes to choosing a splashback for your kitchen, you want to choose a material that provides protection against heat and moisture. That's where glass splashbacks come into the picture. One of the great things about glass splashbacks is that they protect your walls against both heat and moisture. Not only that, but glass splashbacks are also scratch-resistant, which means you can scrub away the dirt and grease without worrying about damage. 

Ensure Long-Lasting Protection

Now that you're designing the kitchen in your new home, you want to choose materials that are durable and long-lasting. That's why glass splashbacks should be at the top of your list. Glass splashbacks are strong enough to last for years. Not only that, but because there's no grout to worry about, your splashbacks will stay secure as well. 

Make Kitchen Cleanup Easier

If you want to design a kitchen that will be easy to maintain, now's the time to choose glass splashbacks. Ceramic tile splashbacks can be difficult to keep clean, especially where the grout lines are concerned. However, glass splashbacks don't have grout lines, which means you can wipe the surface clean after each use. 


20 January 2022